This full moon is very auspicious. We have the opportunity to tune into our ancestors and lineage all day. To contemplate who came before us, both in the physical expression of our unique DNA and lineage tree, as well as the memory of the lands upon which we dwell. What is our relationship with these beings, these gifts that were passed down? How do we receive them, how do we honor them? Do we acknowledge the sacrifice and the devotion, do we take in the blessings, do we live our lives with the awareness that we too are living into the realm of being an eventual ancestor?
As the moon grows to fullness late tonight, we are asked to consider these karmic threads and initiate which contracts we are willing and ready to engage in - what do we want to create - really being clear, as this full moon is a witness for our crystal clear vision and holds the readiness for new contracts to be made. It is time to harvest and enjoy the fruits of our actions, and to acknowledge that we are constantly creating new actions that bear new fruits - let’s tend to the ones that bring us wellness, thriving, connection, ease, beauty, truth, joy, that which is life affirming. A very creative time, to make a choice to revel in the royal embodiment of the true self, to connect our soul with the light of the sun as it shines in the day, and as it mirrors off of the moon tonight, a balance of the two polarities finding a middle path flow of direction within.