nettle queen

nettle queen

Every time I hold space for an Intuitive Painting class, more inspiration flows through! This week we are exploring plants, and during class on Thursday & Friday I worked with the violet to help me share about the magic of painting with plants. I found the energy of the violet to be so incredibly helpful for me to access my intuition and beyond! So many ideas about painting with the plants were coming through, one of which was painting the plant deva/fairy being. 

Today in an Open Studio painting session with past students, I brought some fresh little nettles that just popped up outside. I steeped some as tea, and drank that while pouring a bit into my painting water. I gazed at one little nettle sprout, and allowed myself to connect with the nettle being. I am so moved to see this Nettle Queen, who emerged from this experience. I feel incredibly inspired about the potential of all the collaborative and healing opportunities that watercolors bring!

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