Every time I'm in between a creative container, it's like this period of integration and spaciousness.... I actually really miss the magic of the NECTAR container, as I learned and grew sooooo much during that month of focus and devotion! 🍯
And now moving towards NOURISH, which starts on December 15, has me orienting to how to integrate the nectar and really let it start to become a part of me. When I am nourished, then everything I do comes from that place. I find this theme of nourishment is so perfect in connection with the upcoming Solstice, as Solstice is a time for us to return to our core, our center, our roots, and nourish ourselves for the year ahead.
For me, daily creative practice of writing and painting is SO very deeply nourishing, and I'm excited to share through this theme, as a way to help participants activate daily practices which are nourishing to them. When we tend to things regularly, they become more easeful and a natural part of us.
Daily creative practice is an act of the highest devotion! Such fruits are to be born from this relationship that we create with ourselves, with our inner child, with our hearts.